Thursday, April 14, 2011

Revival in Little Rock

When I was at church Sunday here in Nairobi a friend who is also from Little Rock, with a big smile on her face asked me "have you heard what's going on at Summit? They're having a revival!"

The Summit Church in Little Rock, Ark., is my sending church and home church, which I love and miss dearly. When my friend asked me this question, I was intrigued but we didn't get to chat afterward and I honestly didn't think about it anymore, until this morning. I got on Summit's website to see if there were posts about this revival happening. I was expecting, if anything, a short video or photos but nothing more. Well, I was wrong.

When you have a few minutes, maybe 20 or 30, I invite you to check out these "Reports of God's Mercies" detailing the true revival taking place in Little Rock. What a blessing and encouragement, beautiful conviction and heart-wrenching joy.

I can't wait to be back at my church later this year. Maybe this revival will still be going on? The Lord knows my heart is in need of a revival.

Many blessings,

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