Over these last few months Jack, Ryan, Justin and Micah have become some of my closest friends and brothers in SA. God answered my prayers for close friendships when He sent these guys to Joburg. Along with them, there were also four girls who I became great friends with - Jarah, Amanda Hill, Amanda Holiday and Nikki. What an incredible group of people they are.
And just in the last few weeks I was able to spend some time with a Hands-On team who served in Botswana. Hunter, Brett, Stirling & Allison are a fun group and I wish we could have had more time to hang out.
Today I had to say goodbye to my Hands-On brothers and sisters. Their time here is almost done as they finish their days at debrief before heading back to the states Friday. Goodbyes are never easy and in this life God has given me here in SA, goodbyes are frequent and have yet to not stir up any bittersweet emotions.
Jack, Ryan, Justin and Micah, I love you guys and am blessed to have you in my life. You guys amaze me and it will definitely be different around my apartment without you being around. The Lord has big plans for you in the states and for some, big plans for you back in AFRICA. I'll look forward to the time we see each other whether it's this side of the world or the American side.
Cheers bru's!
Hands-On Johannesburg team
My Joburg brothers
My Botswana brothers & sister